Mars 2120 - A Brazilian Metroidvania in Need of Polishing


Mars 2120 is a title that arrived on the market surrounded by expectations, especially among Brazilian fans of Metroidvania and podcast listeners 99lives e ReloadingBR, given Bruno Carvalho's involvement as a game designer and the fact that the studio he is part of today is the same one that developed 99vidas' own game released a few years ago, which was very well received by national and international critics.

A Visual Promise Unfulfilled

Despite being developed in the Unreal Engine, Mars 2120 doesn't impress visually. Although there are moments when the game shows some potential, such as in certain areas with interesting visual effects, there are many problems that should have been resolved before release. The game still has a "beta" feel to it, with details that clearly need more polishing. For example, the difference in the quality of the animations between the main character and the enemies is glaring. While the main character moves fluidly, the enemies seem to operate at a lower frame rate, which breaks the immersion.

Another weakness is the lack of convincing visual feedback during combat. When the character shoots, there's no sense of impact or weight to the shots; the "recoil" animation simply doesn't exist, which makes combat seem superficial and lifeless.

Controls and Combat: A Frustrating Experience

The fight in Mars 2120 is an area that clearly needed more attention. Although the game tries to set itself apart by also focusing on melee combat, the execution leaves something to be desired. The character's movement is somewhat "floaty", especially when using the double jump, which should be more precise given how often it is needed. This imprecise control is aggravated by the enemies who, more often than not, pose no real threat. They often stand still, waiting to be attacked, or, in contrast, launch themselves at you erratically and unpredictably, but without providing a satisfying challenge.

Boss fights don't improve the situation. With simple and predictable attack patterns, most bosses can be defeated simply by bombarding them with shots and a few melee combinations. These battles lack complexity and rarely offer a significant challenge.

Audio and Localization: Mediocre


The sound design is another aspect that disappoints in Mars 2120. Right from the introduction, a sequence that should impress, with a rockfall, is accompanied by a sound effect that sounds amateurish and poorly crafted. This lack of polish extends to the Portuguese dubbing, which suffers from weak and amateurish performances, and the game's text even has Portuguese errors, unfortunately making it clear that there is a lack of proofreading.

Positive points: Where Mars 2120 Shines

Despite the criticism, Mars 2120 has its merits. The overall aesthetic, while not revolutionary, manages to create an atmosphere consistent with the sci-fi theme. The ambient music is pleasant and complements the exploration well, and some of the upgrades you unlock throughout the game are interesting and add an extra layer of strategy.

A project that needed more time

Mars 2120 is a game that clearly has passion and effort behind its development, but which unfortunately doesn't live up to its full potential. In a genre where competition is fierce, it gets lost amid control problems, unbalanced combat and an audiovisual presentation that leaves something to be desired. For a title that promised so much, especially coming from a studio that seemed to be focused on quality, it's disappointing to see that it was released before it was completely ready.

Although it's difficult to recommend "Mars 2120" in its current state, there is hope that, with updates and improvements, it could become the immersive and challenging experience that so many have been waiting for. Until then, it's a game that should only be considered by those who are already dedicated fans of the genre and are willing to put up with its flaws in exchange for a new adventure on Mars.

My favorite games are visual novels.