Apple Vision Pro - Apple's bet for VR/AR

After many rumors, Apple has unveiled a pair of virtual reality glasses called Vision Pro, marking the company's foray into this market, which has attracted the interest of competitors such as Facebook's Meta.

Apple's glasses can be controlled using the eyes, hands and voice. Users have the ability to visualize their surroundings while navigating the system, and can choose whether they want the screen to be transparent or not, allowing other people to see their eyes.

Vision Pro offers a range of features, such as video playback, video calls, web browsing and control of virtual objects in three dimensions.

In addition, the device is equipped with a set of cameras and microphones, making it possible to record videos and take 3D photos.

O presidente-executivo da Apple, Tim Cook, classificou essa inovação como um dispositivo de “computação espacial”. Segundo ele, trata-se do primeiro dispositivo da Apple que permite olhar através dele, em vez de olhar para ele.

The Vision Pro was presented during WWDC, Apple's annual conference for developers. During the event, new computers were also announced, featuring the M2 Ultra, the latest version of the company's processor.

The price of the headset has been confirmed at US$3499.99

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