Asleep Act 1 gets off to a promising start, but with a few annoying details - Preview

Asleep is a Brazilian game, published by Nuuvem, in the survival horror genre with well-known inspirations for fans of the genre. I confess that I wasn't familiar with this game, but I was positively surprised when I played it for the first time. If you're curious, we recorded the beginning of the game on our channel, which is almost the entire game. You can watch it here by clicking here.

Almost the whole game in quotation marks, because this is only the first act of the game, and the later acts will be released in the future. In this act, we learn a little about our protagonist and the game's universe.

In terms of visuals and perspective, we have a side-scroller game with a pixelated look, in which we can walk, obviously left and right, and interact with some items and doors. Although the game is in 2D, the game map has more than two dimensions, which in my playthrough was a little confusing to understand.

RE Asleep

The game is very much inspired by Resident Evil, and this is explicitly visible in some elements of the game. For example, in order to save the game, you need to interact with a typewriter, there's also the famous bringing and taking of items, puzzles to solve, and various other things.

These elements are not exclusive to the Capcom franchise, but in this game, the inspiration is very clear. In it, as well as interacting with items in the scenery, we can use certain items, such as healing items, as well as story items, and one of the most important items in the game is the flashlight.

Many of the puzzles available in the game have some clues on the map, written on paper. But many of these clues are in dark places, and to read them, you need the flashlight to illuminate them. It's also useful in combat, or not useful at all. In this act, you face some enemies who stay in the dark, but if you use the flashlight near them, they will attack you.

In terms of gameplay, I tested the game both with the mouse/keyboard and with the joystick, and at this point, I have a few things to comment on. For example, at certain times there are items that are very close to each other, but at different heights. They're clearly visible, but it's absurdly difficult to interact with them. On the other hand, things work much better with the mouse, but the items aren't very visible in the scenery.

The items that provide hints for the puzzles are also something I would improve, because they are tied to the game's scenario. For example, when you access a hint, the texts aren't saved in your inventory as they are in Resident Evil, for example, and because of this, if you forget, you have to go back again and again.

A good start?

Well, the first act can be finished in about two hours, and it's quite simple, once you get the hang of it. I think there are many points for improvement, and I hope they improve for the second act. The story isn't very well explored yet, but I must admit that the game has some nice voice acting.

The game looks promising, but it has a lot of room for improvement. That said, I recommend playing it because it promises a lot, and I think there will be improvements with the feedback from the community. And well, I'll treat this text as a preview, as it's not the full game, so I won't give it a rating just yet.

See also:

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