Cat Quest III puts you in the fantastic Miauribe - Review

cat quest iii review
Image: Reproduction

We're at a time when what's most common in the games industry are huge games, those where you have to dedicate hours and hours, whether it's to complete campaigns of more than 50 hours, or to defeat enemies of exorbitant difficulty.

In the midst of these obstacles for many gamers, there are some games that go against the grain and recall the good old days of video games. A The Gentlebros aims for this with Cat Quest III, a charismatic action-adventure game with some RPG elements, published by Kepler Interactive.

Check out our review of Cat Quest III below, which was only possible with a review key sent by Kepler.

The myriad awaits you in Cat Quest III

In Cat Quest III you are in the shoes of a sweet kitten who, in the middle of Miauribe, an archipelago full of Sea Rats, is searching for a legendary treasure that has long been lost: The North Star.

To do this, you and your faithful spirit squire travel all over the Miauribe in your own ship in search of riches that will grant you new weapons, spells, costumes and more.

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Enemies and memorable moments

Through relaxed dialogues and fun designs, Cat Quest III manages to captivate the player and keep them hooked for a long time.

As you marvel at the game's visuals, you'll bump into Captain Miautallika, Count Ratula, the Pirate King and many other striking enemies.

Each of them has countless lines of dialog, unique missions and even some (albeit few) ways of being defeated, which end up altering a small part of your journey in the end.

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A striking artistic footprint

As you explore the sea, you'll certainly be paying attention to the game's artwork at all times. A cartoonish game that at the same time has you playing and navigating over a map.

At all times it's as if you're moving a puppet over a three-dimensional map, reading the names of regions, seeing mountains and also some 2D elements.

It's something I haven't seen in any other game before (at least, I can't remember at the moment) and which, at least in my mind, is becoming a trademark of Cat Quest.

Cat Quest III doesn't overdo the progression and makes it fun

Allowing you to play alone or with a friend in split screen, Cat Quest III is a showstopper when it comes to progression. Your cat has a level, which will impact on things like the amount of health, damage, defense and more.

These attributes can also be boosted by equipping new weapons and outfits, which you can get from chests by the sea or inside dungeons. If you become attached to an item, you can upgrade it through the Blacksmith.

All of this happens organically, with your level rising rapidly with each battle and countless chests with high-level items to collect around every corner.

cat quest III review
Image: Reproduction

Is Cat Quest III worth playing?

At the moment, Cat Quest III is definitely the game I needed. A simple but well-constructed story, amusing dialogues, a soothing soundtrack and a pleasant progression.

Cat Quest III is a relatively short game by today's industry standards, with its main story lasting around five hours, but it manages to accomplish everything it sets out to do.

It's a game that doesn't skimp on the art, the soundtrack, the combat and even less on its story, which, although simple, is still a lot of fun and can provide good lessons and reflections through its dialog.

Cat Quest III is certainly one of the best indies of the year, and I'm very proud to say that I was here the year it was released and was able to play it.

Cat Quest III is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series e Nintendo Switch.

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Founder of Save State / Editor-in-Chief of Nerds of the Galaxy / Writer for Critical Hits and Trecobox. Studying for a BA in Journalism. Lover of Open World, Assassin's Creed, FIFA and more,