Dead Island 2 Sola takes us to a deadly music festival - Review

Warning: Spoilers for the ending of the original game.

After many years in development, Dead Island 2 was released some time ago, bringing a game that, among all its peculiarities, had the most fun. After its release, we had the DLC Haus, which maintained this fun and continued the story (SPOILER: the original game ends in a very open way).

And today, we come to Sola, the game's second expansion, I believe the last one to bring our character's story to a close (more or less). As with Haus, in the Sola DLC, we're thrown into a new map, well contained, but still of considerable size.


This time, the stage of the new DLC takes place at a music event, or rather, a late music event, one of those full of teenagers, with electronic music, indie, among others, as stereotypical as possible. There we meet Grace, the only survivor of the place who is struggling with the trauma of the abrupt transformation of thousands of people.

In this DLC, we meet a very curious enemy: sound. According to Grace, the zombies there weren't infected, they just needed to hear a sound from certain speakers to transform. And that brings us to Cadenza.

In the main campaign, we learned about the existence of Numens, beings who are an "evolution" of humans, of which we are also a part, and we have contact with some of them in the game. Well, just like in the Haus DLC, in Sola, a very big focus is on the Cadenza, that Numen with the headset.

Any news?

Basically, our mission is to defeat the sound, but it won't be an easy task, as we'll encounter some good challenges in the course of the game. Firstly, some of the enemies that in the main game were very powerful enemies, in this DLC become recurring enemies that we encounter on the map.

And there's no point in running, because they're just as fast as us, sometimes even faster, so there's no point in running away. But one thing that has to be said about these DLCs is that they do their characterization very well. Visually, both the Haus enemies and the Sola enemies are unique and very distinctive.

In each of the DLCs, we are introduced to new types of enemies, and the ones introduced in Sola are quite challenging. The first to be introduced is a zombie with some guts wrapped around her body, who is able to use them as a form of whip. This enemy is very hard to hit, as she delivers powerful, long-range blows, is very tough and has an ability that can prevent us from using rage mode.

Another enemy worth mentioning is not just an infected one. He is a creature formed from the remains of the dead on the site. It has both short-range and long-range attacks, both very powerful, and it also has the ability to move around underground, always appearing out of sight to cause damage that is difficult to dodge.

Is it worth it?

Well, in terms of duration, we have more or less the same as the previous DLC, around 2 to 3 hours of content, which can be a little longer, as it was for me (I died many times). But it's a fun piece of additional content, and for me it was well worth it.

Aesthetically, it's simpler than the previous one, but it's still very different, even more so if you compare it to the previous game. The new elements and enemies are really cool, making the experience even more fun and challenging. Not to mention the new weapons, which are pretty cool too. Oh, and if you're a fan of the first game, there's a great easter-egg that's pretty cool too.

In the end, it's a piece of content that will give you a few more hours of fun, and this is perhaps the last major expansion for the game, at least the last one that comes with the game's Season Pass. If you don't want to play the game, but would like to see it, we've published it from start to finish on our YouTube channel. YouTube.

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