ForeVR Pool gives you access to a classic game without demanding too much - Review

forevr pool review

Do you know those moments when we go to test something, without any pretension, and we are surprised in an absurd way? That's exactly what happened to me when I tested ForeVR Pool. What a nice game! This review is going to be simple, but that's because the game is simple, and in fact, that's the way it should be.

The famous game of snooker is present in the lives of many people of all ages, and it's almost impossible for someone never to have had contact with a snooker table in their life. However, this is a game that requires a certain amount of physical space.

We're currently going through a period in which the trend, especially for those who don't have an enviable financial situation, is to have smaller and smaller houses, or even apartments. The value of a plot of land is increasing, and this means that fewer and fewer people have a yard to call their own.

Again, a snooker table requires a minimally large physical space for its size, and as the trend is for spaces to shrink, we end up seeing fewer and fewer of these types of games, and they're more commonly found on farms and the like. And if, like me, you don't fall into the category mentioned above, your contact with this game may be diminishing.

But don't worry, because ForeVR Games has the solution! That's if you shell out the price of a virtual reality goggle, which is almost 100% more expensive than a pool table, but what the heck? This incredible accessory (0% of purchase regret) will also require a certain amount of physical space, but it's much more flexible than a pool table.

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No difficulty understanding the game

But when I entered the ForeVR PoolIn the game, we have access to an immense game room, requiring less than 2 square meters. And on accessing the game, the first surprise: the game is localized in Brazilian Portuguese! For those who are used to playing video games, you might think that it's common for games to be at least subtitled, and indeed they are.

However, in the world of virtual reality games, this is not a very common reality. Unlike a regular video game, VR is basically a niche today, meaning that it's not very accessible, especially considering its high cost. And for this reason, it is commendable that the game is accessible in this way.

But that wasn't my only surprise, in fact this game only surprised me from start to finish (not that the game has an ending). Because it's a niche accessory, many games have a simpler look, and this game is simple, but a simple that's way above average. To put it bluntly, the game is very beautiful, with good textures and lighting.

The characters in the game (who are basically the opponents) are very simple, but the truth is that there's no need for more complex characters, after all, we hardly see them.

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Amazing Artificial Intelligence

I didn't know how the gameplay would work, and this was yet another surprise, because it works very well. First about the game room I mentioned above. You can move around freely, and there are lots of "extras", which I definitely didn't expect. In my head, we'd have a pool table and that was it. But no.

There are several challenges in the game, and you can play both online and offline. The first time I played, inexperienced, I decided to play against the machine because I thought it would be easier. The game works like stages, with each opponent you defeat, the next one gets stronger. And to my surprise, the artificial intelligence of the first opponent was already very good, causing me to lose my first match.

ForeVR Pool is a Cozy Game

But once I got the hang of the gameplay, things took a different turn. As another surprise, I was impressed by how accurately the game captures our movements in real life. At the table, you can move around, and when it's your turn to play, you can press the triggers to aim and make the hit.

There are several game modes available and one thing they all have in common: fun. O PSVR2 it was a great acquisition because it gives me a different kind of fun, and ForeVR Pool is another one of those games that is the definition of fun at play. It's one of those games that you can enter to have fun and relax. Totally approved!

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