Grounded is narratively intriguing and extremely welcoming - Review

grounded review
Image: Save State

Initially released in early access, version 1.0 will be released in September 2022, Grounded has now reached its final update, the Fully Yoked Edition, one of the biggest updates to the game that also includes the arrival of the PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5.

Grounded is developed by Obsidian Entertainmentthe brilliant minds behind Fallout: New Vegas, The Outer Worlds e Pentiment. This is the first time the studio has ventured into a sandbox game, but without leaving its essence behind.

Check out our review of GroundedThis was only possible thanks to the support of Xbox Brasil and, of course, our usual partner, Nuuvem.

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A narrative sandbox game from Obsidian

In Grounded, the game opens with the newspaper reporting that four children have gone missing, and their real whereabouts are unknown. At the same time, you and the three children have been mysteriously reduced to the size of an ant.

As a result, you and your friends (or just you) need to explore the vast garden of your house, collecting resources, making weapons and armor and, above all, protecting yourself from the creatures, in order to discover the truth behind this event and, of course, return to normal size.

Although we're talking about a sandbox survival game, everything here is introduced very organically, through dialog, documents and even a few cutscenes during the course of the game.

Image: @otaldomarcosh

Grounded is the pinnacle of sandbox progression

I've played a few sandbox survival games that are available on the market, but most likely the progression of Grounded is the best of them.

You'll discover new recipes whenever you collect new items and take them to the research stations that can be found by exploring the garden. As well as evolving your character by collecting science, BURG.L missions and milk molars.

Exploration also turns out to be crucial to the game's progression. Even if you're going contrary to your goal, new bugs and resources will be present, allowing you to use them for different weapons and armor, which allow you to access different locations such as the depths, the area with toxic gas and more.

Image: @otaldomarcosh

The cooperative experience is very interesting

The cooperative experience of Grounded was something that really caught my attention. Each time you enter a new session, you can choose between the four children.

At first, you think it's a bit strange, since there's no character customization and they don't even have any difference in gameplay, but it's nice to see how they behave in the narrative.

While you're doing things around the world, interacting with enemies and reading documents or watching story cutscenes, the characters are talking to each other, discussing what happened.

It's something that might be a bit silly for some, especially since it's not very common in the genre, but it adds an extra layer to the game's narrative, even giving off the vibe Obsidian for the game.

Image: Red Venom Corp/YouTube

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No place is safe and that's the terror of Grounded

Every survival game has that moment when the tension is transmitted to the player. In Dying Light you encounter more powerful zombies, Minecraft puts spiders, skeletons and creepers in your way, V Rising makes your gameplay insanely harder during the day, and Grounded leaves nothing to be desired in this regard.

Grounded manages to strike a balance between fear and difficulty at any time of day. During the day most spiders are asleep, which can make it easier to cross, but there are other gigantic insects that prowl around at this time of day.

If you don't go ashore, there are also large fish at the bottom of the lake, which, when they spot you, won't hesitate to swallow you whole. If you decide to change times, the difficulty of visibility (if you don't have a torch) and the frequency with which you encounter the insects (many of which are different) will be even greater.

Do you prefer to stay at home to be protected? Not at all. The chance of a bedbug or any other insect destroying your home is extremely high. It's even happened to me a few times.

Image: @otaldomarcosh

How is the game on PlayStation?

After playing for hours on PlayStationI can definitely have my verdict on how the porting is on the console version of the Sony.

I particularly believe that DualSense has not been used well. There's nothing in this game that makes the DualSense is magical, or at least functional.

In terms of performance, the game looks good and has a 60fps frame rate, but it's not stable all the time. You'll often experience frame drops, but they quickly stabilize.

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Is Grounded worth playing?

Grounded is a game that can possibly hook players from many different genres. Players who like good cooperative experiences, good stories and a good survival game will find themselves in the garden.

My experience with the game was fun, tense and, above all, it really developed the cooperative factor and allowed me to catch up. Don't hesitate to play GroundedRegardless of the platform you're on, it's an excellent game and a rare gem within the genre.

Grounded is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series e Nintendo Switch.

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Founder of Save State / Editor-in-Chief of Nerds of the Galaxy / Writer for Critical Hits and Trecobox. Studying for a BA in Journalism. Lover of Open World, Assassin's Creed, FIFA and more,