Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection takes you for a ride

Fans of fighting games are familiar with the impact that Marvel vs Capcom had on the competitive scene. Even years after their release, games like Marvel vs Capcom 2 continue to be a guaranteed presence at events like EVO, either as part of the official lineup or in parallel tournaments organized by the community. These games symbolize the heyday of Marvel and Capcom crossovers, a meeting that marked the history of arcades and consoles.

Originally released at a time when home consoles were struggling to keep up with the power of arcades, ports of these titles were often cut. On PlayStation, for example, X-Men vs Street Fighter had reduced animations and removed the switching of characters in combat, a key element of the original gameplay. The Sega Saturn, on the other hand, with the aid of a memory expansion cartridge, offered a more faithful version. With the Dreamcast and its technological proximity to arcades, this gap has finally been closed. The Marvel vs Capcom 2 for Dreamcast is still considered a "perfect port" and is widely used in tournaments to this day.

After some recent attempts to revive the series, such as Marvel vs Capcom 3 and the failure of Marvel vs Capcom InfiniteThe community was worried that the classic Marvel vs Capcom 2 was stuck in the past. The last time the game was available digitally was on the Xbox 360 and PS3 stores, but due to licensing problems, it was quickly withdrawn from the market, with no physical release to keep it alive.

In 2021, a glimmer of hope emerged with the "Free Marvel vs Capcom 2" campaign, started by youtuber Maximilian Dood. The campaign gained momentum, but Capcom's silence left the community apprehensive, especially about the licensing complications with Marvel, now under Disney's control.

Finally, in 2024, the surprise came: Capcom announced at Nintendo Direct the re-release not only of Marvel vs Capcom 2not just a complete collection of classics, but a reaction that has gone down in the history books when it comes to unveiling games at events:

The youtube channel Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting Collection brings back seven of the most important games of the arcade era:

The Punisher (1993)

This title stands out from the rest for being a beat 'em up in the style of Final Fightinstead of a traditional fighting game. Playing as Frank Castle (or Nick Fury in co-op mode), players face hordes of enemies in a quest to take down the Kingpin. Although it's a fun title, its repetitiveness and imbalance of difficulty are evident, making it more of a curiosity piece in the collection than an absolute highlight.

X-Men: Children of the Atom (1994)

x-men children of the atom

One of Marvel's first major crossovers with fighting games, Children of the Atom puts Marvel's iconic mutants on an action-packed battlefield. The game is known for introducing innovative mechanics, such as super jumps and aerial combos, which would become key in future titles. The fluid gameplay and impressive visuals for the time make this an absolute classic, even if the speed of the game is a little slower than its sequels.

Marvel Super Heroes (1995)

marvel super heroes

This title broadens the concept of Children of the AtomThe new game will also add more heroes from the Marvel universe and introduce the infinity stone system. Each stone offers different advantages during the fight, such as life regeneration or increased power, making battles more dynamic and strategic. It's a game that combines the best of Capcom's fighting mechanics with the vast world of Marvel superheroes.

X-Men vs. Street Fighter (1996)

x-men vs street fighter

Here we see the first big step towards what the franchise would become. X-Men vs. Street Fighter features 2v2 battles, allowing players to switch between characters during the fight. The blend of the two franchises is executed fluidly, and the cast of characters is balanced, making it a solid experience for fans of both universes. The inclusion of iconic characters such as Gambit and Ryu makes this a favorite among arcade fans.

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (1997)

marvel vs street fighter

A direct evolution of the previous game, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter improves the tag-team system and brings new characters to the arena. One of the highlights is NorimaroThe Japanese version's exclusive character adds a touch of humor and novelty to the game. Despite the visual improvements, the character balance left something to be desired, with some fighters dominating fights disproportionately.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (1998)

marvel vs capcom

This title elevates the franchise by incorporating not only characters from the series Street Fighterbut also other Capcom IPs, such as Mega Man. The diverse cast and vibrant animations make the game a visual spectacle, while the refined combat mechanics and the return of the signature special moves continue to make for exciting battles. A milestone in the series and a fan favorite.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (2000)

marvel vs capcom 2

This is the icing on the cake, the most iconic of the entire collection, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 features a gigantic cast of 56 characters and gameplay based on teams of three fighters. The introduction of three fighting styles for each character offers unprecedented strategic depth. Although the learning curve is steeper due to the changes in controls, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is hailed as one of the best fighting games of all time.


The collection also offers extras such as concept art and soundtracks. This creates a rich experience not only for fans of the gameplay, but also for those interested in the history and development of the games.

Online Mode and Quality of Life

In addition to reviving these classics, the Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting Collection brings modern features that add a new layer of accessibility and fun. The online mode is one of the main highlights, allowing for casual matches, ranked matches and even scoring challenges, with leaderboards for the more competitive. The stability of online matches is satisfactory, and meeting opponents globally makes the experience more engaging, especially for those who haven't had the chance to play these titles in arcades.

Another plus point is the inclusion of screen filters, which replicate the feel of old CRT monitors. For purists, the collection offers a variety of options, from light scanlines to pixel-smoothing filters. Although not essential for everyone, these options add a nostalgic charm, keeping the visual experience close to that of the arcade days.


The youtube channel Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting Collection is a real treat for fighting game fans. By bringing together a collection of titles that defined an era, Capcom not only preserves the history of these games, but also makes them accessible to a new generation of players. The online mode, visual extras and quality of life improvements ensure that this collection goes beyond nostalgia, offering a complete experience for old fans and newcomers alike.

Whether you're an arcade veteran or someone who's never had the chance to experience these classics, the Marvel Vs Capcom Fighting Collection is a must-have. With faithful gameplay, pleasing visuals on modern screens and new modes that expand the experience, this collection is a celebration of the best fighting games from a golden age.

My favorite games are visual novels.