Project L - We play at EVO 2023

The Save State team was at EVO 2023 and we were able to test out Riot Games' bet in the fighting game segment, Project L.

Project L had one of the most crowded stands of the whole event, but the queue was relatively quick. We could play two games, choosing to join a table with three other people for a 2×2 or a table against just one opponent for a 1×1.

Riot is betting big on the hardcore segment too, and not just casual gamers, as there was a queue to play with an arcade stick or a standard PS5 controller. I chose to test the game with a standard controller because I think that's the way most players will play the game.

Familiar yet original

Project L is a fighting game very similar to some well-known tag anime fighters, such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, Marvel vs Capcom and BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. It's not as explosive and fast-paced as them, but because it's a style of game focused on tag, combat must always be strategically thought out to use the two characters selected, with one of them taking a "rest" to recover energy.

One of the differentials of the game is the possibility of playing in teams of two against two, I believe this idea is to reinforce the focus on playing in teams that Riot knows how to work very well with its projects, but initially it is not something I like, in my opinion the differential of fighting games is exactly that you are independent and totally responsible for your victory or defeat, just like in a real fight, but let's see how Riot is thinking of conducting this, especially in relation to tournaments, will there be categories of 1×1 and 2×2? Let's see.


The core concept revolves around its tag-team mechanics, where players control two different champions, switching between them to create combinations by assisting or swapping characters, adding elements of risk and reward.


The game's fundamental offensive mechanics adhere to conventional fighting game standards. Players can execute a variety of attacks, including high, medium and low, which can be combined to launch attacks against their opponents. However, playing with two different champions means that players will need to master Project L's list of moves for both characters. There is also the option of having a friend play as the second character in a 2v2 or 2v1 mode.


Riot's game incorporates a range of distinctive defensive options that allow you to control space and reward players for correctly predicting their opponents' actions. Push Block and Retreating Guard offer players the opportunity to spend meter in exchange for defensive tactics, allowing them to manage the distance between themselves and their opponents. These maneuvers are considered "safe" defensive actions, difficult to counter and suitable for almost any scenario, although they always use a bar of your meter. Parries are universal skills that all characters possess, costing one meter to perform a normal or low parry. Players can also use Dynamic Saves to quickly replace their partner in a difficult situation, even if that partner is knocked out.

Marking mechanics

Project L allows two players to collaborate as a team, with each taking control of a champion. In this multiplayer mode, the non-active participant must remain vigilant and ready to get involved. Synchronizing combos and creating opportunities for the teammate are key. Solo players control both champions, allowing for the perfect combination of combos and the strategic rotation of characters with the support of assists.

Fuse system

The Fuse System is one of the game's mechanics that allows players to choose one of four options that profoundly alter the way they interact with their tag partner. The options are:

  • Fury: Below 40% health, deal bonus damage and gain a special dash cancel.
  • Freestyle: Handshake Tag twice in a row.
  • Double Down: Combine your ultimate with your partner's.
  • 2X Assist: Your partner can use two assist options consecutively.

During the demo at Evo 2023, four champions, out of the seven that have been confirmed, were available for players to try out: Ahri, Darius, Ekko and Yasuo.

My favorite games are visual novels.