Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a modern classic


I always thought that Shin Megami Tensei V was released at the wrong time and on the wrong console. Yes, the game was well received by fans, but on the Nintendo Switch it was already showing a lack of firepower to back up its ambitious design.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance corrects this main problem of the original release by being released for today's platforms. It's a visually magnificent game and, although I prefer to play RPGs on laptops, I have to admit that, for this particular one, it's better to have more options.

But is it the same game?

Yes and no. At the start of the game, you have a choice: follow the original story, called the canon of creation, or the new content, called the canon of revenge. If it's your first time playing, I recommend starting with the canon of creation to experience the original story, as the canon of vengeance will make more sense later on. Despite these choices, the quality of life improvements and new gameplay features are also present in the creation canon.

Revenge canon revolves around the revenge of the Fallen, a mysterious group of demons known as the Qadištu, and a series of new characters, including the new central character, Yoko Hiromine. Yoko is a young student at a school that specializes in training young exorcists and decides to accompany Nahobino in his search for answers in Da'at. The narrative deals with moral dilemmas and ethical questions through the different alignments (Chaos, Law and Neutral), a trademark of the series.

Tokyo without God

SMT V: Vengeance is set in Da'at, a post-apocalyptic version of Tokyo. The nameless protagonist, a young man recently transferred to Jouin High School, finds himself trapped in a collapsed tunnel and wakes up in a vast desolate wasteland. In this new world, he teams up with a mysterious "proto-infernant" called Aogami, transforming into Nahobino (I know, lots of bizarre names). Together, they face demons and search for their friends, discovering that God was defeated by Satan eighteen years ago.

The protagonist finds himself embroiled in a conflict between angels, led by the Bethel organization, and demons, and it's up to the player to decide which factions to support and what fate to give to reality.

Enhanced exploration and combat

The exploration in SMT V: Vengeance is vast and full of secrets. The setting of Da'at is detailed and immersive, perfectly matching the narrative. The addition of new demons, areas, dungeons and side quests expands the world significantly.

Combat retains the traditional Pressure Shift system, rewarding players for exploiting enemy weaknesses. It is now possible to control guest characters, improving strategy. Innate and passive abilities, new Magatushi skills, increased level cap and improvements to the demon recruitment system make combat more dynamic and intuitive.

Challenges and rewards

Even with all the improvements, SMT V: Vengeance is not an easy game. The demons are punishing and know how to exploit weaknesses, demanding attention and strategy from players. The possibility of saving at any time minimizes frustration, but the difficulty remains high, especially in the more challenging levels.


Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a must-have title for fans of traditional RPGs. It enhances every aspect of the original game, from the setting to the combat, delivering a refined and complete experience. The quality of life improvements, the new campaign and the superior performance on modern platforms justify its existence and take SMT V to a new level.

This re-release not only brings an exceptional game for new players, but also offers a significant amount of additional content and improvements. In its original version, it was already a standout among Japanese RPGs; now, with Vengeance, it solidifies itself as one of the best of its kind this decade.

My favorite games are visual novels.