Union approves strike against video game industry

video games industry strike
Membros da SAG-AFTRA e simpatizantes protestam com piquetes em frente aos estúdios da NBC em agosto de 2023, na cidade de Nova York. Créditos: CNN.

O SAG-AFTRAa union that represents Hollywood actors, decided to authorize a strike against the video game industry, which follows the strike against the TV and film industry.

The union said that 98% of its members voted in favor of the strike against companies in the area, such as Activision, EA, Take 2 e Epic Games. The demands concern salary adjustments and protection from the exploitation of artificial intelligence and basic security.

"It's time for video game companies to stop playing games and take serious action towards reaching an agreement on this contract," said SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher.

In a response to the website The Hill, Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson representing video game producers, said that negotiations will continue in good faith in order to reach an agreement that reflects the important contributions of the actors represented by the SAG-AFTRA is achieved.

History teacher / Video game player in his spare time / Internet text writer