Starfield - 5 things the game NEEDS to learn from Fallout 4


With the launch of Starfield on the horizon, the eagerly awaited science fiction RPG has a lot to live up to. However, taking a page out of the playbook of Fallout 4, another beloved title from Bethesda, Starfield has the potential to create a truly remarkable gaming experience.

Many innovative features have been introduced in Fallout 4 that delighted the players, and Starfield can successfully integrate these elements while adding his distinctive flair, it has the chance to become an immersive masterpiece in its own right.

This begs the question, what Starfield can learn from the success of Fallout 4?

5 things Starfield needs to learn from Fallout 4

That said, let's take a look at the features below Starfield can learn from Fallout 4. Whether it's taking something that was negative and making it right this time, or taking what has already been successful in Fallout 4 and bring a similar experience to Starfield. Check it out:

Weapon and armor modification

One of the outstanding features that made Fallout 4 a success was its weapon and armor modification system. The sheer thrill of taking ordinary weapons and turning them into powerful tools of destruction was a source of endless pleasure for players. Starfield should take this concept to new heights, offering a wide range of cutting-edge weaponry and advanced armor for customization.

Whether equipping energy rifles with devastating modifications or creating futuristic exo-suits with enhanced capabilities, the possibilities should be as vast as the cosmos itself. Let players unleash their creativity and forge weapons that will make even the most formidable enemies tremble in the depths of space.

Starfield needs to follow Fallout 4's weapon modification
Image: Gamerant

The Fallout 4 has faced its share of criticism due to its perceived limitations. However, it seems that Bethesda took note of the feedback and made improvements to Starfield. The glimpses of gameplay we've seen so far indicate a more refined and immersive dialog system.

Starfield looks set to offer players a range of dialog options and meaningful choices, allowing them to shape their characters' journey and influence the course of events in the game.

By enhancing the narrative through interactive and dynamic conversations, Starfield has the potential to offer a more immersive narrative experience that will captivate players in its vast and rich universe.

Starfield needs to improve Fallout 4's dialog


Although the absence of a Karma system made sense in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4It left a void for fans who appreciated the moral compass it provided in previous games. In the case of StarfieldThe implementation of a similar system could add depth and consequence to players' actions.

By incorporating a reputation system influenced by your choices, Starfield can allow players to carve their way through the stars.

Whether they choose to be virtuous heroes or incomparably evil ones, their decisions would shape their position in the universe, impacting how others perceive and interact with them. This moral flexibility would further enhance the immersive storytelling experience in Starfield.



While Fallout 4 introduced a mix of factions, its reception among players varied. While the return of the Brotherhood of Steel delighted many fans, newcomers like the Institute, Minutemen and Railroad fell short of the mark set by their predecessors. In the case of StarfieldIt is essential to create factions that appeal to a diverse audience, reminiscent of the factions in Skyrim.

Whether it's space pirates or intergalactic diplomats, each faction must offer compelling narratives and significant incentives for players to align themselves.

By creating complete factions with different identities and motivations, Starfield can ensure that players are truly invested in their chosen allegiances, enhancing the immersive narrative and gameplay experience of the game.

Starfield factions

Replay factor

Fallout 4 was known for its impressive replay factor, and Starfield should strive to match this level of variety. The ability to embark on new plays with different play styles, character builds and moral choices adds immense depth and excitement to the game. Starfield should offer a diverse range of planets to explore, each with its own unique challenges and opportunities.

Players should have the freedom to align themselves with different factions, experiencing varied stories and outcomes. By ensuring that each journey through the cosmos feels distinct and rewarding, Starfield will provide an immersive and endlessly engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.

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Founder of Save State / Editor-in-Chief of Nerds of the Galaxy / Writer for Critical Hits and Trecobox. Studying for a BA in Journalism. Lover of Open World, Assassin's Creed, FIFA and more,