Starfield - 5 things we hope to see in the game


After a successful Xbox Games Showcase with many revelations that fans were waiting to confirm based on rumors, the deep dive of the Bethesda in your next game, Starfield, caught the attention of many.

With a clear gap in quality between its first gameplay reveal and now. There are certainly many new details and mechanics to be analyzed.

But with probably more to come Bethesda reveal before launch, there are several game-changing features that fans are hoping to see implemented.

5 things we hope to see in Starfield, exclusive to Xbox Series X/S and PC

How Starfield is shaping up to be the biggest title in the Bethesda until now and the systems vendor for the Xbox Series X. A series of innovations and additions could help push this title into what many fans already suspect will be one of, if not the best, open-world science fiction game ever made.

That said, here are 5 things we hope to see in Starfield. Check it out:

Choices that impact history

Taking into account the deep dive dialog sequences. It seems that the developers of Bethesda are trying to make the interactions and dialogues between the characters of Starfield an integral part of the experience.

Given the fact that the vast majority of RPG titles contain this element in one form or another, it's a prerequisite for this title. But with the potential to make it more important than ever.

With titles such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or other unique games, such as Detroit: Become Human, which highlights the player's choice and decision. If Starfield can take this to the next level and have a large number of dialog segments that have an impact on the overarching story, this will only enhance the great experience that is expected.

Image: Bethesda

Post-launch multiplayer

Although it is clear that Starfield will be a single-player experience only and was built to be a single-player title. The potential for a cooperative mode or any form of multiplayer mode post-launch would make it a dream sci-fi experience for gamers.

Similar to No Man Sky on their journey through the outside world, flying to different planets, building ships and mechanics such as mining materials. Starfield would probably surpass the aforementioned title if it implemented co-op.

In the case of Bethesda introduce co-op, either through a quick post-launch update or a complete additional DLC. This could provide the experience that many similar games, such as Star Citizen, they haven't fully achieved it.

Although this is an unlikely scenario, fans wouldn't rule out the feature if the developers introduced it. Especially as they did with the franchise Elder Scrolls Fallout.

Rarity level of weapons and loot

One of the aspects that is an integral part of any RPG title in modern gaming is the loot system and how rewarding and valuable it should be.

With titles such as Destiny 2, Monster Hunter World, Dragon Age and many more, their loot systems are so important to the overall experience that it wouldn't be the same without them.

Some, like the aforementioned Monster Hunter WorldThe main objective for players is to find loot. Since finding new monsters to kill means that a new set of equipment will be available.

Considering the huge difference between these titles and Starfield, a Bethesda I'd need to find a way to implement loot systems that feel rewarding. Without them feeling like a live-service style system. Especially after the negative reaction from Suicide Squad: Killing the Justice League.

The youtube channel Bethesda you need to make sure there are enough weapons to find. With different levels of rarity and statistics. This can provide a nice gameplay loop and implements another purpose between all the elements present.

Various romance options

Given the plethora of role-playing games that have included romance options and even intimate scenes present in Cyberpunk 2077Many fans feel that there is still much more to be explored within this region.

With Bethesda confirming the presence of romance options in StarfieldBy getting closer to companions that players will meet along their journey, the opportunity to make this one of the best yet is very high.

In addition to classic games such as the Mass Effect and some other RPG titles, there is still much to be desired in the realm of romance. Although several titles have successfully implemented this particular feature, the developers at Bethesda should try to make Starfield the first RPG title to offer the most authentic system for romance.

Ensuring that players have a huge variety in both the options during dialogue and the characters they choose to date to alleviate any potential monotony and allow for a less scripted experience.

Honor system

How Starfield will contain a personality system within its character creation, giving players a variety of traits to choose from. It introduces the topic of an honor or social system.

Players who are familiar with Red Dead Redemption 2 da Rockstar will be aware that, depending on how players behave and interact with other NPCs in the open world, this can increase or decrease their honor, reflecting someone who is an outlaw or a law-abiding citizen.

Although it is very clear that Red Dead Redemption 2 e Starfield are two completely different games, it would be interesting to see a similar system implemented here that could, in turn, adjust the personality traits that players have defined during character creation based on the choices they make during the story and side quests.

Finally, Starfield arrives on September 6, 2023 on Xbox Series X/S and PC. Also, get to know Save State Podcast by clicking here!

Founder of Save State / Editor-in-Chief of Nerds of the Galaxy / Writer for Critical Hits and Trecobox. Studying for a BA in Journalism. Lover of Open World, Assassin's Creed, FIFA and more,