Starfield - How to get credits quickly


There are few constants in the universe, but the economy must be one of them. Starfield takes after many of its space-based sci-fi predecessors by labeling its currency as "credits" and, as you might expect, there are countless ways to earn credits throughout the game.

However, despite all the credits you'll earn, you'll undoubtedly spend almost all of them. Starfield is positively brimming with ways to blow your money, from expensive weapons and spacesuits to top-of-the-line spaceships and high-rise apartments. Even those medicine packets add up quickly. Here's how to make sure your income exceeds these must-haves.

Looting items in Starfield needs to be done intelligently

You'll get a lot of things in Starfield. Anyone who has played anything from Bethesda Game Studios since Morrowind you won't think of it as revealing. But you have to be careful what you pick up, because time is money, and the maximum weight restrictions for transporting Starfield can be quite punitive.

Therefore, we recommend a golden rule to help maximize your credit gain when you're back in a store: if it weighs more than a couple of kilos' worth, don't pick it up unless it's worth at least 1200 credits, and if it looks like total garbage, ignore it, because it probably is.

Basically, don't take cups and cans. But don't take that 8.5 kilo spacesuit if you think it will sell for an unimpressive amount, because it will take up space for more valuable things.

Remember to use your companion as a mule, and your cargo hold on your ship is great too. But there's only so much space in both cases, so be frugal - it pays off!

In fact, the value of the item does not represent the value of the final sale. Generally, if the product is worth 10,000, you will sell it for 1,000. If it's worth 5,000, you should sell it for 500. The basic math is to take a zero off the number.


Improve your trading skills

The skill tree of Starfield is robust. If there's a downside, it's that many of these skills are so good, and with only one skill point to spend per level, it can be a challenge to decide what matters most.

Although we recommend a handful of things beforehand - one rating each in the Booster Pack and a weapon of your choice is a good idea - start investing in your trading skills early on.

Trade is one of the most direct skills of StarfieldEach ranking increases how much you sell things for while decreasing how much you have to pay for new things. No twists and turns, no detours.

But think about how much you sell every time you're back in civilization. Really think about it. If you pick up Commerce in the first few hours, you can potentially accumulate millions more credits over time.

starfield commerce

Smuggling in Starfield isn't always a big problem

You'll experience it many times throughout the game if you don't know what to do about it: you're completing a mission, you're picking up all the goods after sweeping some base full of bandits, and you set your eyes on something worth tens of thousands of credits only to blink when you realize why - it's contraband.

Smuggling aboard your ship gets you hit if you fly into too many star systems. Needless to say, it's confiscated, which means you get cash.

But a few quick tricks will help you get those illegal products where they need to go, so you'll come out ahead, much richer than you would have been. Keep an eye on our website for a complete guide on the subject!

Starfield smuggling

Build your own empire

Although it takes some time to get things started, the best way to earn stable credits in Starfield is to build outposts to mine high-selling resources. You can take over operations to deliver large quantities of ore to places like the Deimos Shipyards in the Sol System.

The time needed for this only increases as you wait for the mining operation to come to fruition. Assign a team with related skills to outposts to speed up the process and, as you build an ever-stronger outpost - and then several more outposts! - You'll end up swimming in more credits than you'll know what to do with.

Starfield warehouses

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