TOSS! - Review


Right away, I want to make it clear that "TOSS!" is a very fun and easy-to-understand game, but, my friend... It's tiring to the extreme, and not in terms of gameplay, but because it requires a certain physical effort that I wasn't expecting. So, in this sense, the fact that it's tiring is not a negative point of the game.

But what can we say about the game? Not much, because it's a game that is essentially very simple. Following the premise of the game, we are a kind of astronaut monkey, flying among the stars. However, our ship crashes and shatters completely, and we make it our mission to rebuild the ship and resume our travels.

If you're expecting a cute little story, that's not what you'll find in "TOSS!", but as I said, this was never the premise of the game. It's purely an arcade game. So, let's get down to business...


How does the game work?

The way the game works is quite simple, as I said, we're a monkey, and in real life, monkeys are known for jumping between branches and so on. In this game, our only objective is to jump from one place to another, completing the stages and sessions, and at the end of them, recovering a piece of the ship.

To do this, we use our arm movements to throw ourselves between objects in the game. In gameplay terms, that's what you can do: grab onto objects and throw yourself between them. And the most impressive thing is how accurately the PSVR2 Sense captures movements.

But as we progress through the 9 types of biomes found in the game's more than 75 stages, we discover new ways to improve our parkour and get through the scenarios. In addition, new challenges are placed in our path, obviously making everything much more challenging.


A challenge for sedentary people

And in this sense, the game can become physically very tiring, because the game already requires physical effort from the start, but as the game progresses, the effort becomes even greater. And the game is a LOT of fun, which makes you want to play it over and over again. So if, like me, you're not very physically prepared, I recommend taking it easy, without long gaming sessions, until your body is really ready for it. Now, if you want to lose weight while having fun, this game can be a good idea because the calories go away.

The game also has a few other modes, as well as being able to fly and jump through the air, grab onto branches, pipes and walls. In the stages, you have optional objectives such as collecting bananas and parts, as well as a mode against the clock. You can also compete against friends for time and ranking, and beat your ghosts on the leaderboard.

And finally, in terms of gameplay, we can talk about some modifiers that the game has, which change the experience a little. You can unlock modifiers such as Zero Gravity and Double Jump.


Was it worth it?

Although over time the game becomes very tiring if you don't prepare properly, it's a lot of fun. A lot, and that's a danger, in a good way. Despite being repetitive in theory, the biomes differ a little from each other, especially in terms of challenge, which makes you want to beat them every time.

What's more, the game isn't very long, which is another factor that makes the experience less tiring. It's one of those games I didn't expect anything from and ended up getting a very satisfying experience. I recommend playing it, but I also recommend doing so in moderation. TOSS! is a game that's essentially fun, and worth giving a chance.

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