Following a statement by the head of Xbox Games Studios, the director of Hi-Fi Rush has taken a swipe at Microsoft in a post. Check it out!



Strong statement

The recent declaration by Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, during an internal Microsoft meeting, resonated strongly within the game development community


Need for smaller games

Booty enfatizou a necessidade de "jogos menores que nos tragam prestígio e prêmios", uma diretriz que parece refletir uma mudança no foco da indústria.


John Johanas didn't like it

This statement resonated particularly strongly with John Johanascreative director of Tango Gameworks.


Winning game!

The game is an emblematic example of the type of project that Booty described: a work that, despite its relatively modest scale, has achieved significant prestige.


Read more

Find out more about John Johanas' attack on Matt Booty and the Xbox division. DRAG UP TO FIND OUT MORE!


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