Call of Duty won't sell more Xbox consoles

call of duty sell xbox
Image: Xbox Podcast

The imbroglio of the acquisition of Activision Blizzard King by the division Xbox has finally come to an end, and now users have a lot of questions. The main one is: Will Call of Duty will sell more consoles Xbox? According to Phil SpencerNo!

While before the acquisition Sony PlayStation had a great partnership with Activision for the beta of the new games in the franchise Call of Duty arrive days before the PlayStationEverything will be different in the Xbox.

Call of Duty players won't need to buy an Xbox

According to an interview with Phil Spencer to Xbox Podcastthe contents of the franchise Call of Duty will have 100% parity on all consoles, whether they are in the Xbox or not.

"We're not aiming to use Call of Duty in any way to get you to buy an Xbox console." - says Phil Spencer to the Xbox Podcast.

This means that, unlike on PlayStation, there will be no exclusive betas of the game for Xbox. Much less skins, or any other type of content that is restricted to Xbox. Xbox.

Phil Spencer will treat the franchise as an asset, a product that will be financially very positive for the company, allowing them to invest in other areas.

An example of this is that, in the same interview, Phil Spencer says that they want to revisit old Activision franchises. But with passionate teams who want to make a difference to the franchise, without thinking only about the financial return. This should only be possible because of the way the company will treat the franchise Call of Duty.

This makes it clearer that "Call of Duty doesn't make Xbox consoles sell more". What did you think of Phil?

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