Become the hero of your own fantasy RPG adventure in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Electronic Arts Inc. and BioWare show for the first time the opening moments of the anticipated single player fantasy RPG experience, Dragon Age: The Veilguard. This bold heroic adventure is built to deliver on what the series is best known for: rich storytelling, fantasy world-building, companions and companionship, and a world where you matter.

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you embark on a journey to confront powerful elven gods and stop the destruction they are unleashing on the world. You are known as Rook, fighting on the front line alongside a captivating cast of companions with individual stories and motivations. In true Dragon Age style, companions are central to the experience and, as Rook, you must step up, rally your team and forge relationships to become the unexpected leader that others believe in. Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be released worldwide for PlayStation®️5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in spring 2024.

"We want every moment in the expansive, story-based experience of Dragon Age: The Veilguard to be impactful“, disse Corinne Busche, diretora de jogo de Dragon Age: The Veilguard. “Fans will travel to more regions than in any other Dragon Age game, where they will need to evolve and customize deep skill trees to face increasingly challenging enemies. What's more, our combat blends fluid moment-to-moment action with the deep RPG strategy the franchise is known for. We're incredibly excited to offer players around the world a first look at this experience that embraces BioWare's narrative roots of carefully crafted, immersive single player RPGs."

Em Dragon Age: The Veilguard, o deus trapaceiro élfico da lenda, Solas, quer derrubar o Véu que separa Thedas do mundo dos demônios, restaurando a imortalidade e a glória de seu povo – mesmo que isso custe inúmeras vidas. Mas seu ritual dá errado, e seus piores medos se realizam, já que dois de seus adversários mais antigos e poderosos são libertados. Eles só buscam terminar o que começaram milênios atrás – a completa e total dominação de nosso mundo. A jornada de Rook para deter esses dois poderosos deuses se estenderá por toda Thedas, passando por cidades movimentadas, trópicos luxuriantes, florestas boreais, pântanos fétidos e as maiores profundezas, mas cuidado com as forças do mal ao longo do caminho, como os Dark Spawn, Cultistas Venatori e Demônios da Fenda.

Main aspects of Dragon Age: The Veilguard:

Companionship: The new companions of Dragon Age: The Veilguard come to life with some of the most engaging individual stories in Dragon Age history. Expansive and dynamic stories navigate love, loss and complex choices that will affect their relationships and the fate of each member of the Veilguard. New companions such as the Veilbreaker, the necromancer Emmrich and the private detective Neve, come from iconic factions in Dragon Age lore, possessing individual skill trees and specialized equipment for advanced team progression. You'll also see familiar faces, such as the archer Lace Harding, who returns to the series as a full-time companion.

Choice and Consequences: Dragon Age: The Veilguard builds on the series' deep RPG roots, providing extraordinary narrative and world-building, deep personalities for each companion, meaningful choices and impactful cinematic moments. The bonds you forge and the relationships you create will be affected by the choices you make throughout your journey.

An Elaborate Experience: As a character-driven RPG, Dragon Age: The Veilguard offers an elaborate experience that pays homage to BioWare's storytelling history. The Lighthouse provides a central place where you can rest and learn more about the world through conversation, while the Crossroads allows you to cross into separate explorable regions of the world with your companions. You'll get to know more of Thedas than ever before as your story unfolds across meticulously crafted biomes and beautiful regions, including Rivain, Weisshaupt, Arlathan, Minrathous, the Deep Roads and more, each inviting you to delve deeper into the narrative and discover the mysteries of the land.

Fluid and customizable combat: O combate imersivo combina controles fluidos de momento a momento com tomadas de decisão táticas. Os jogadores podem personalizar totalmente sua experiência para se adequar ao seu estilo de jogo com árvores de habilidades diversas entre três classes diferentes – Guerreiro, Mago e Ladrão – cada uma com habilidades e especializações únicas. Escolha dois companheiros para se juntarem a você em suas missões e desencadear combos poderosos em equipe que podem mudar o rumo de qualquer batalha. Faça escolhas estratégicas e direcione seus aliados para lutar, curar ou ficar fora da briga com a roda de habilidades recém-adicionada.

Be the Leader You Want to Be: Dragon Age: The Veilguard features a robust character creation system that allows you to be the leader you want to be, with a wide range of customizations. BioWare has created the most comprehensive Dragon Age character creator yet to make this story truly your own.

Fans can add Dragon Age: The Veilguard to your wish lists on PlayStation, Xbox and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. For more information and to keep up to date with Dragon Age: The Veilguard, visit the official website, follow Dragon Age on Facebook, follow the franchise on DiscordTikTokTumblr, Instagram e X (formerly Twitter)and subscribe to his channel on YouTube.

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