Ninja Theory co-founder leaves studio

With just over a month to go until the release of Hellblade 2, we were taken by surprise by the news that one of Ninja Theory's co-founders is leaving the company.

After noticing that there was no sign or mention of Tameem Antoniades, who was previously the company's chief creative officer, a spokesperson for Xbox, the studio's owner, told the VGC that Antoniades was no longer with the developer.

While working on several games at Ninja Theory, Antoniades acted mainly as writer and director on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, DmC: Devil May Cry and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice .

According to Polygon, he was involved in the early stages of Hellblade 2, but the game is now being led by three creative leaders: environmental art director Dan Attwell, visual effects director Mark Slater-Tunstill and audio director David Garcia.

Microsoft and Ninja Theory have announced Hellblade 2 for the Xbox Series X console in 2019.

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