Ninja Theory co-founder leaves studio

With just over a month to go until the release of Hellblade 2, we were taken by surprise by the news that one of Ninja Theory's co-founders is leaving the company.

After noticing that there was no sign or mention of Tameem Antoniades, who was previously the company's chief creative officer, a spokesperson for Xbox, the studio's owner, told the VGC that Antoniades was no longer with the developer.

Enquanto trabalhava em vários jogos na Ninja Theory, Antoniades atuou principalmente como escritor e diretor em Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, DmC: Devil May Cry e Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice .

According to Polygon, he was involved in the early stages of Hellblade 2, but the game is now being led by three creative leaders: environmental art director Dan Attwell, visual effects director Mark Slater-Tunstill and audio director David Garcia.

Microsoft and Ninja Theory have announced Hellblade 2 for the Xbox Series X console in 2019.

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