Saviorless is beautiful and that's it - Review

Saviorless - cover

Saviorless emerges as a tale of determination and creativity, conceived by the Cuban team at Empty Head Games. Announced in 2016 as the first independent game to come out of Cuba, its journey to release faced obstacles worthy of an epic: from limited internet access to funding difficulties exacerbated by political tensions between the US and Cuba. Despite these adversities and the loss of a key member of the team, the project moved forward thanks to the tireless passion of the developers, culminating in its launch for PC, Switch and PS5eight years after its conception.

Saviorless - art

The biggest highlight is the setting

Set in a dark fantasy universe that initially reminded me a lot of games like ICO as well as stunning 2D art and challenging side-scrolling action, Saviorless tells the story of Antar, a young man on a quest to become a Savior, protector of the enigmatic Smiling Isles. Antar's path is intricate with twisted characters and environmental challenges, immersed in a surreal atmosphere that confuses as much as it fascinates. The narrative, told by a trio of narrators, two of whom are in training, interweaves Antar's actions with a tapestry of events governed by gods attentive to the rules of their world.

The art and atmosphere of Saviorless are unquestionably the highlights of the experience. The hand-drawn art and animations bring to life a vibrant and diverse world, with an attention to detail that captures both the beauty and the grotesquerie of each setting and character. Inspired by stained glass windows and religious iconography, the game's aesthetic is a true artistic marvel that defies expectations with its varied color palette and environmental interactions that enrich the immersion.

What the game doesn't do so well

The gameplay of Saviorless oscillates between Antar's weaponless exploration and the brief but intense moments of combat as Nento, a ruthless hunter with dark ambitions. The simplicity of the combat, initially a relief, becomes monotonous as the game progresses, especially when Antar gains the temporary ability to transform to face enemies, a mechanic that, although it introduces a satisfying tension, is limited by the linear design and execution.

The gameplay challenges, while varied and often innovative, bring with them an aspect of trial and error that can frustrate. The mechanics introduced in each new level and the need to collect notes to unlock the true endings add depth, but can also become tedious, especially when faced with the need to repeat entire levels because of a lost item, without the option of level selection to alleviate this repetition.

Saviorless - gameplay

Confusing narrative

However, the dreamy and disconnected narrative of Saviorless can leave players confused and distant. Antar, despite being the protagonist, remains an enigma, with underdeveloped motivations and connections that obscure more than they reveal. Even the intricate relationship between Antar and Nento struggles to find solid ground, leaving the story hanging in a limbo of open interpretation.

Saviorless is undoubtedly a title that will polarize opinions: on the one hand, a work of visual and audio art that captures the imagination; on the other, a gaming experience that, although unique, may not satisfy everyone due to narrative and design choices that favor style over substance. Despite its challenges and not always polished execution, it's a worthwhile journey for those willing to dive into its peculiar world and face its enigmatic depths.

My favorite games are visual novels.