Wrath: Aeon of Ruin disappoints as a Boomer Shooter

wrath aeon of ruin cover

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin emerged as a promise for fans of retro shooters, evoking the essence of classics such as Quake. Developed by KillPixel and published by 3D Realms and Fulqrum, the game transports us to a dark, gothic land filled with creatures ready to prove the devastating power of their arsenal.
It's a good premise, if it weren't for a looooong introduction.

A lengthy introduction

Contrary to expectations of instant and frenetic action, Wrath gets off to a slow start. The extended tutorial and the initial weapon, focused on melee combat, don't prove to be as effective as expected, especially for those playing on the console where aiming proves complicated due to the wide field of view. This feature can be disorienting, even causing discomfort for more sensitive players.

The True Spirit of Quake, with caveats

Despite a shaky start, the game quickly recaptures the spirit of 90s shooters once the firearms come into play. The satisfying impact of disintegrating enemies with the shotgun or the innovation of the machine gun that shoots teeth are high points that reaffirm the quality of the game's arsenal. This emphasis on powerful weaponry and the oppressive atmosphere are reminiscent of the legacy of Quakewhich clearly permeates every aspect of Wrath: Aeon of Ruin.

Challenges and Level Design

However, the game is not without its flaws. The challenges presented are significant, with enemies attacking from all directions in vast and complex environments. Exploring these spaces, while rewarding, is often frustrating due to the excessive darkness and sometimes repetitive textures. In addition, the lack of variety among the enemies can make some encounters monotonous.

The level design, while faithful to 90s standards, sometimes suffers from an excess of narrow corridors interspersed with wide arenas, both with often unfair enemy placement. This, combined with unbalanced difficulty spikes and the need to constantly adjust the screen brightness settings to navigate the gloomy environments, can deter some players.

Narrative and Atmosphere

The game tries to immerse players in a denser narrative than usual for the genre, something that not all retro shooter enthusiasts can appreciate. The emphasis on a generic "chosen one" story through unvoiced texts seems like a detour from the main focus: visceral, direct action.


Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is a title that oscillates between moments of nostalgic triumph and modern frustrations. For those looking to reminisce about the golden age of FPS with a touch of innovation in their arsenal, Wrath offers a brutal and bloody journey that is sure to please. However, players who value more polished level designs and a more consistent technical execution may find the game somewhat underwhelming.

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