How to play Fallout 1 and 2 in 2024

With the recent launch of the Fallout in Prime VideoThe franchise has never been so popular, so many may want to try out the classic games in the franchise.

Originally released in the late 1990s, these role-playing games place players in a post-apocalyptic setting where every choice can mean the difference between life and extinction. Despite their age, these games continue to attract new fans thanks to their rich narrative and freedom of choice. However, playing old titles on modern hardware can be a challenge. Here's your guide on how to revive these classics on Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and even Android.

Getting the Games

First of all, you need a copy of the games. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are available for purchase on Nuuvem, offering versions of the games adapted for modern operating systems, making them easier to install and run.

Buy Fallout 1 by clicking here.

Buy Fallout 2 by clicking here.

Installation and configuration

Playing Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 on Windows is quite simple. As the game was made for Microsoft's operating system, the installation must include all the necessary patches for compatibility with current operating systems.

For other platforms it can be a bit more work, but it's not difficult at all. Thanks to the fan community, there's a project called Fallout Community Edition which, in addition to some quality of life improvements, also allows the game to work on other platforms.

What is Fallout Community Edition?

The youtube channel Fallout Community Edition is a complete re-implementation of the original Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 games. It retains the classic gameplay, fixes bugs from the original engine and adds quality of life improvements. This project is available for various platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS, works with few problems and is ideal for new players and veterans alike.

Installation and configuration

Game purchase

First, you must own the game. Purchase your copy via the links above or via GOG, Steam or Epic Games. This is necessary as you will need the data files from the original game to play the Community Edition.

Go to the releases section of the project on GitHub and select the version according to your preferred operating system:

Windows, Linux and Mac

After downloading

  • Windows: Download the file fallout-ce.exe and copy it to the Fallout folder, replacing the falloutw.exe.
  • Linux: Use the Windows installation as a basis. You will need to install SDL2 using the command $ sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 and run ./fallout-ce after copying it to the Fallout folder.
  • macOS: Installation on macOS requires you to use the Windows installation as a base to get the necessary game data. You can copy the Fallout folder to a location on your Mac, such as /Applications/Fallout. If you have the GoG installer, you can use the command:
    $ brew install innoextract
    $ innoextract ~/Downloads/setup_fallout_2.1.0.18.exe -I app
    $ mv app /Applications/Fallout
    Then download and copy to this folder and run it.

Android and iOS

  • Android: After copying the game data files to your device (in a folder such as Downloads), download and install fallout-ce.apk. When you run the game for the first time, select the folder with the game data.
  • iOS: After installation via sideload with fallout-ce.ipaWhen the game starts, copy the data files to the application via Finder or iTunes file sharing. When you start the game, select the folder with the data when prompted.

Recommended Patches and Mods

To further improve the gaming experience, consider installing patches and mods that improve resolution, fix bugs and add content:


Fallout is an old game and doesn't explain much right away, so if you don't want to start and get frustrated, check out our tips for beginners.

Choose Your Statistics Wisely

  • Strength (ST): Essential for determining how much you can carry and which weapons you can use without penalty.
  • Perception (PE): Crucial for ranged combat, as it affects the order of action and precision.
  • Intelligence (IN): Very important, as it affects the number of skill points you earn per level. A higher value allows you to develop your skills more quickly.
  • Agility (AG): Perhaps the most important, as it determines the number of Action Points available for movement, attacking, recharging, etc.

Understand the Combat System

  • Every action in combat costs action points (AP), so plan every move and attack carefully.
  • Targeted attacks may cost more APs, but they increase the chance of causing critical damage.
  • Always seek cover or distance if your remaining APs are not enough for an additional attack.

Manage your inventory

  • Heavier items can quickly overload your character, so store items you don't need immediately.
  • Items such as medical kits, antidotes and stimulants are essential. Keep a good stock of them and renew them as often as possible.

Exploration is key

  • Explore each location thoroughly. Many items and missions are well hidden.
  • Interact with all the NPCs. Some may offer missions or information that isn't initially obvious.

Learn to negotiate

  • Bartering skills are vital for getting better prices when buying and selling. Don't neglect to increase your skills.
  • Always try to negotiate better terms, especially when it comes to ammunition and medical supplies.

Pay attention to skills

  • Some skills are more useful than others depending on your style of play. For example, the Small Arms skill is extremely useful at the start of both games.
  • Skills such as Repair and Science can open up new options for interacting with the environment and solving problems in unconventional ways.

Use and Abuse Quick Save

  • Save often and in different save slots. Fallout games are known for their unexpected twists and sudden deaths.
  • Dialogue choices can significantly affect the development of the story and relationships with other characters. Choose carefully.
  • Dialogues can also reveal secrets and hints about missions or hidden treasures.

Prepare for Consequences

  • Your actions have consequences in the world of Fallout. Being a hero or a villain has its own pros and cons.
  • The alliances you form can help or hinder your journey, so think carefully before you act.

Enjoy History and the World

  • "Fallout 1" and "Fallout 2" are rich in stories and subplots. Take your time. Enjoy the stories and the detailed atmosphere that the games have to offer.
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