RKGK: Rakugaki is the Hi-Fi Rush of 2024 - Review

Image: Save State

Marking the Mexican studio's first release Wabisabi Games after a financial incentive from Riot Games and its publisher is Gearbox Publishing, RKGK: Rakugaki finally released to us mere mortals.

RKGK puts players in control of Valah, a member of a group of rebel graffiti artists who are fighting against the oppressive B-Corp and its evil CEO who has drained all the color and life from Cap City.

Check out our review of RKGK: Rakugakiwhich was only possible thanks to the support of Gearbox Publishing e Wabisabi Games.

rkgk rakugaki gameplay
Capture: @otaldomarcosh

RKGK: Rakugaki is an excellent Dèjá vu of Hi-Fi Rush

While in Hi-Fi Rush we have Chai facing the evil megacorporation Vandelay, which seeks to dominate the world through robotic enhancements, RKGK: Rakugaki has a premise not too far removed from this.

B-Corp has mentally blinded the inhabitants of Cap City, turning it into a dark world controlled by CEO Mr. Buff. Valah then needs to make the world more colorful by using his Graffiti to put an end to B-Corp's oppression.

Capture: @otaldomarcosh

A frenetic and colorful gameplay

Glide, run, jump, color and destroy your enemies. This is the purest gameplay of RKGK: Rakugaki. "Absolute Videogame.

You'll see Valah in a pure frenzy, with intense gameplay driven by a dubstep soundtrack. Dynamic puzzles and countless obstacles will mark your journey through Cap City.

Capture: @otaldomarcosh

The hideaway is your central hub

Just as in Hi-Fi RushThere is a graffiti artists' hideout. Here you can access their closet, choose the chapter and stage you want to play, buy new graffiti and clothes and talk to some charismatic characters.

Something that really struck me is that the style of the dialogues is also very similar to that of the game of Tango Gameworks did. I wouldn't say it's a copy, after all, games take time to develop. But I would say that it's almost impossible for you to like one of the games and not like the other.

Capture: @otaldomarcosh

Is RKGK: Rakugaki worth playing?

RKGK: Rakugaki is what I was definitely hoping to play in May: a game that reminds you that video games are much more than visuals, cinematic cutscenes or a story with great depth.

RKGK conveys that feeling of going back in time, when you arrived at school, plugged in your Dualshock and played games like Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, God of War and more. Of course, don't take these comparisons too literally.

But speaking of comparisons, as I've mentioned throughout this text, RKGK: Rakugaki is the perfect game for you who love Hi-Fi RushI was looking forward to a sequel to the game.

RKGK: Rakugaki is now available for PC.

See also:

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Founder of Save State / Editor-in-Chief of Nerds of the Galaxy / Writer for Critical Hits and Trecobox. Studying for a BA in Journalism. Lover of Open World, Assassin's Creed, FIFA and more,
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